Cute Alert! Live ‘puppy cam’ to be launched for worthy cause

The Kept Animals Bill was meant to crack down on puppy smuggling among other things

In line with Pet Appreciation Week (or PAW!), on Tuesday 4th June, Birmingham Dogs Home is launching a live ‘puppy cam’ where viewers can check in one of the home’s litters of adorable puppies – all in the name of a very important cause.

In partnership with Miraculous Meals, the Little Miracles Appeal invites people to join in on a live ‘puppy cam’ between 11.30am and 2.00pm, to raise both awareness and vital funds or Birmingham Dogs Home. The money will go towards creating more special spaces where mums can safely have their pups in a protective and calm environment, after seeing cases of pregnant dogs being abandoned continue to rise.

Via Birmingham Dogs Home’s Facebook page, and the charity’s website doggie-lovers will be able to join a live stream of some of the charity’s adorable puppies as they play and feed, some of which will shortly be available for adoption.

18 dog mums gave birth under the care of Birmingham Dogs Home in 2023, and three litters have already been born this year. The charity aims to give them the very best possible start by creating “whelping units”, away from the hustle and bustle of our main kennels and away from view.

The Little Miracles Appeal is being launched to raise funds to create more of these whelping areas – forming a “maternity wing” at Birmingham Dogs Home. This will enable the charity to offer a safe environment, specially designed to protect puppies during birth and early life.

Donations can be made via the charity’s website,, or by telephone (0121 643 5211, Option 3)

One such vulnerable “mum-to-be” was Patsy. The charity didn’t know she was pregnant when she first came to them with puncture wounds to her body and neck. She started to show signs, and after a few weeks in Birmingham Dogs Home’s care, then later gave birth to her pups at the rescue centre.

Patsy struggled with parenthood initially but with support from the team, which included hand-rearing the three weakest pups, she soon became a loving Mum. Her six puppies soon gained weight and are all doing well and hoping to find new homes.

Unfortunately, at Birmingham Dogs Home, there has been a dramatic increase in cases like Patsy arriving at the rescue centres over the last eighteen months

puppies breeding licence puppy cam

Amelia Townley, Maternity Team Leader at Birmingham Dogs Home said, “Newborn pups cannot see, hear, or regulate their body temperature. They need to be kept out of the cold and away from the dangers of being squashed or smothered. They are completely reliant on their Mum for all their needs and a place to snuggle for warmth. With our live ‘puppy cam’ and Little Miracles Appeal we’re aiming to foster an environment where pups who’ve been let down by the world can instead enter the world in a loving and caring environment.”

The charity is appealing for the help of dog lovers to raise £50,000.

  • £12.50 can help Birmingham Dogs Home to keep tiny vulnerable puppies like Patsy’s warm and cosy with retractable infrared heating lamps
  • £22 can help the charity to fit each whelping area with essential waterproof flooring. Lots of puppies means lots of poop! Regular cleaning helps to keep both Mums and pups healthy and infection free
  • £40 can help us to keep pups safe. Sometimes, they can get squashed under Mums when they roll against the walls. By fitting special spaces inside the whelping units, there will always be safe spaces for them to have room to breathe and wriggle.

This is a guest post by Birmingham Dogs Home. Want to write for us? Visit or email [email protected].

The post Cute Alert! Live ‘puppy cam’ to be launched for worthy cause appeared first on Dogs Today Magazine.