How Much Exercise Does A Dog Need Everyday

Woman Walking Her Dog

Making sure your tail-wagging buddies stay happy and in tip-top shape goes beyond just letting them loose in the yard. **You’re the MVP** in their health journey. Picture yourself as both a master chef and a star coach – cooking up delicious, nutritious meals and leading exciting exercise adventures. That’s right, a happy pooch needs yummy food and plenty of exercises. Here’s a little nugget of wisdom: creating the perfect balance of diet and activity isn’t magic. It’s your job to bring it to life. Dogs of every size and breed will gobble this up, but it’s a real treasure for those aiming to add a little more spark and joy to their fur baby’s step. Hang tight because you’re on the brink of discovering some awesome tips that will send your dog zooming around with joy.

Regular exercise does not only give physical health benefits but also stimulates their brain, promotes positivity, and improves socialization. Daily physical routines tone the dog’s muscles and enhance their metabolism. 

Several factors determine which type of exercise you should do with them. Factors like their age breed, size, body type, and health history are essential to consider.

According to veterinarians, larger breeds and sporting breeds such as collies, shepherds, and retrievers require more exercise than terriers, Maltese’s, Shih tzus, and other brachycephalic breeds like a Jack Russell. Golden retriever dogs are a popular breed that enjoys exercising and being outside, as well as the labrador retriever.

Around half an hour to two hours of exercise daily is great for your dog’s needs. Allot a few moments from your hectic schedule to manage these fitness routines for your dogs, and see how this gives their body the optimum benefits.

Adding in these fitness routines and getting your dog out for regularly exercise can be physically and mentally healthy [1] for you too. How much exercise does a dog need everyday? Read more below to find about more about dog exercise.

How Much Daily Exercise Does Your Dog Need?

The activity level largely depends on their age, mainly. It also depends on the breeds and sizes of your best friend.


For puppies, they tend to exercise by themselves in their “natural fitness routine” or what’s known as the “zoomies.” They run as quick as they can around the space, and then collapse into your lap. You can guide them through these routines that your dog needs. 

It is important not to involve them with rigorous activities. Various short walks and play sessions around the block during your day are recommended. You will always find time to bond with your puppies, and while you go along, you’ll get to know more about their fitness preferences. Puppy exercise is great because they will be used to it when they become an adult dog.

The rule of thumb for puppies is a ratio of five minutes of workout per month of age. They should also be doing such these activities twice a day. For three months old, 15 minutes are recommended. For four months old, 20 minutes. For five months old, 25 minutes, and so on until they turn adults. 


For adult dogs, the routine must not get mixed up with your puppies. If they suffer from a health condition or disability like joint problems or heart disease, speak to your veterinarian about the recommended exercise, whether these are 30 minutes or an hour, to help them throughout without getting uneasy. Exercise is great for their mental health.

Active adult breeds must have a minimum of 30 mins of intense aerobic exercise. They should in fitness activities daily. Dog parks are also a great option if your dog is a good pet around other animals.


Senior dogs are those in the phase in their lives older than the rest. Compared to their younger years, senior dogs may not run the same way they did when they were in their prime.

Yet, this does not mean that they won’t need to exercise. Physical activity and exercise requirements should be maintained even at this dogs age. Dog exercise is great way to help their mental health at this age.

Your vet will prescribe a workout program for dogs, and with both of you participating, you will never miss out. Consider breaking up the routines into smaller periods such as 15 to 20 minutes of exercise for your senior dog.

Overall, it is essential to consult with their doctors, and under that proper exercise will improve their physical, mental, and holistic well-being. 

What Will Happen If Dogs Don’t Exercise?

A sedentary lifestyle for your pup will cause consequences for their health. If your dog lacks physical activity, or they’re all about the diet without proper exercise, they may become overweight.

They also tend to exhibit mood swings, become easily frustrated or bored. Or worse, they may vent out their emotions through violent acts. What exercise does a dog need? Read below to find out more on what they need.

A common effect is weight gain. If you notice that your dog turns a little bit fat, you will need to get started with a workout routine or change your current one. A balance between food and a workout routine is necessary. 

Make sure to get in touch with your vet about a recommended exercise program. Separation or fear arises from a lack of dog exercise, which results in aggressive behavior. They may begin to chew on furniture at home or your shoes, play with the trash, or, worse, attack other individuals. This much exercise can help release positive energy. 

Activities or games also improve their socialization skills. If you notice they tend to stay at one corner and withdraw from people, differently from how they usually act, these are signs, or what could happen if they don’t get sufficient exercise which is a great dog needs every day. 

If they find it difficult to sleep or notice they find it hard to walk on the staircase, they need to work out. Too much noise like barking and whining can also be a result of the lack of healthy routines. 

Do Dogs With Disabilities Need To Exercise?

Yes, dogs with disabilities need to exercise, and there are specific routines designed for this group. Their veterinarian is the most knowledgeable about their health history, so if your dogs are in a wheelchair, they would know what exercises to recommend. What exercise does a dog with a disability can do?

You can do exercises with your pet dogs, and these include hydrotherapy or fitness routines in water, hide-and-seek, ball games, tag, a gentle massage, and short walks, especially for those suffering from cardiovascular illnesses. Each of these exercises must have shorter sets and reps, and way more straightforward than those without the disability.

What Will Happen If Disabled Dogs Don’t Exercise? 

If disabled dogs don’t exercise, they will start to withdraw themselves – just like any other normal dogs. Mood swings, weight gains and aggressive behavior may also surface if such routine is not included in their lifestyle. 

Besides, their muscles may weaken even more, and the disability may worsen soon. Exercising may not completely cure them of the condition, but it will help these dogs go through their lives with less excruciating pain. Exercising isn’t a dog need everyday but it should be done as often as you can throughout the week.

Dog Running With Agility

Benefits For Dogs That Exercise

Exercising with your pet animals is a great way to conquer mental stimulation [2], obesity, promotes stronger heart health, decreases the risk for depression, burns calories, improves their balance, and more. 

Among these exercises include swimming, walking, dancing, hiking, agility training, and frisbee. Dogs like dog parks as well to interact with other dogs and playing.

Veterinarians say that dog owners see better behavior and mental stimulation in their dogs when they undergo physical training or exercise. Some studies show dogs who suffer from hip dysplasia have more energy and stamina if they have activity and doing the routines for more extended periods. Getting in much exercise for your pet is a great idea as this is something dogs need.

Tips on Dog Exercises 

  • Walking, Jogging, Running, and High-Stepping. Combine these at different intervals and see your dog’s cardiovascular health improve. These exercises also burn calories and help in weight loss. Short walks are better for older dogs.
  • Dog Tag Games. Just like when you play tag with your friends when you were a child, utilize a spacious area to play tag with your dogs. This can be a quadrangle or even at your backyard or around the block at your local dog park. This way, they won’t be forced to follow a strict routine or posture.
  • Fetch Varieties. Aside from the classic game of fetch, you can incorporate other movements at the same time. It involves racing with your dogs to fetch their dog toys, fetch tease for an abdominal workout, and more. You can also do tug of war with a rope toy and dogs love this game.
  • Puzzle Toys. Puzzle toys for dogs is an easier workout for them to get in some exercise as they enjoy these types of games.
  • Dog Squats. First, pet parents should stand with their legs spread as wide as their shoulders, like preparing for their leg squad. Once the person descends, tap the dog with the toy. With your rise, lift the toy on top of your head. Have the dog follow. Then, let them jump to fetch the medium.
  • Obstacle Courses. Use everyday household items, and combine the obstacle race with leg squats or an agility course. Also great for multiple exercise needs.
  • Dog Stairs. Comfortable and very doable with your stairs, place your dog on their leash. Them, walk up and down the stairs.
  • Hydrotherapy and Swimming. Exercising with water has provided several health benefits for humans. Having your dogs try them also offers advantages for their health. Dogs need different types of exercise sometimes and swimming is a good choice.

Ways For Dogs To Exercise Even When You Are Indoors 

  • Use your indoor cushions to create a path for the dog to navigate with the obstacle course. You may also add hula hoops, perhaps in your living room, for them to jump through.
  • Scatter your dog’s favorite delicacies and treats around your homes, perhaps beneath your dining table, underneath rugs, and more. Having them follow their trail will be an excellent walking workout while indoors. If your dog is a good listener it’s a fun game for them.
  • Introduce your dogs to the treadmill. There’s nothing wrong allowing them to run your household treadmill for daily exercise. Begin with the lower speed and gradually increase as you go day by day.
Woman Jogging With Dog At The Beach

How Much Is Too Much Exercise For Your Dog?

Signs like injuries on their pads, seeing worn away skin flaps, pus, or even swelling are among those that will tell you your dog is exercising too much. The dog may also experience severe muscular pain like difficulty climbing the stairs or standing up. Always be careful to get the right amount of exercise needs for you pup.

It is normal to see them with sore muscles since these are the effects they have gone for an exercise. But if there are alarming signs of struggle in their muscular movement, you might want to consider stopping for a while. 

Other health conditions when there’s too much workout among your pets include joint injuries, heat-related illnesses, and notable behavioral changes like secluding themselves from other dogs or their owners. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do dogs need to be walked every day?

Yes, it is ideally that dogs are walked every day. On average, this should not exceed 30 minutes daily. It will also depend on the dog’s age, breed, and size. If you have a sporting breeds type of dog like a border collie they will always be ready for a good walk or some activity that a dog needs. A good dog walk can also be much shorter distance of a walk. The amount of exercise a dog needs depends on many factors and what the dogs like.

What happens if you don’t walk your dog? 

If you don’t walk your dog on a regular exercise routine, they may show restlessness and destructive behavior. They may also exhibit a moody behavior and even develop health risks. A great alternate is taking them to the dog park to run around. Dog walks are important and if you don’t have the time you can always hire a dog walker.

Should dogs eat before or after a walk? 

Dogs should eat around 30 minutes to an hour before and after a walk or taking them to a dog park. This will ensure they are fueled with energy and could maximize the health benefits. 

What dogs don’t need much exercise?

Dog breeds such as Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Scent Hounds, Sight Hounds, English Bulldog, Bullmastiff, Pekingese, Italian Greyhound, Great Danes, French Bulldog, and Pug are among those who don’t need much exercise. 

Their anatomy is designed for minimal activity since they are a good dog breed, and won’t suffer from illnesses even with a little workout or not much exercise. Most dogs need exercise so this is a big plus.

What is the laziest dog breed?

Basset Hound is the laziest dog breed. Among dogs in this category, Basset hounds would prefer chilling on couches and watching people with their hanging down ears and droopy eyes rather than playing dog sports or going to dog parks. 


The physical nature of dogs when it comes to exercise needs is attributed to similar reactions in human beings. They also feel frail and weaker without exercise, and their bodies improving after the activity.

It remains the pet owners’ responsibilities to accompany them in their training, and monitor their health while it happens. With the right exercise, your dogs can lead better lives. Make sure to read the post above to learn about what exercise does a dog need and the steps to get them there.

The post How Much Exercise Does A Dog Need Everyday first appeared on Well Pet Coach.